OpenNeuro users made the following suggestions
Please note that this website is dedicated only to suggesting new features and improvements to OpenNeuro. Please post bug reports here.
Aggregate various bids datasets under a single project
It would be nice to be able to aggregate various bids datasets (one study including multiple datasets with different subjects) under a single project.
Provide a link to the read-only version of private datasets
The current setup make it difficult for reviewers to anonymously access private datasets. Either the author of the data paper needs to share their login info (which ...
Replace email address with name in the comment
When signing up with a google account:
- Creating a dataset shows at the top of the dataset page the name of the user
- Posting a comment shows the email address ...
Under consideration
Run quality control pipeline for every new dataset
Automatically run and expose the result of a quality control pipeline such as on every new dataset or new snapshot of a dataset.
Add advanced search option
It would be very convenient if one could search within fields (Files, Size, Subjects, Sessions, Available Tasks, Available Modalities) or at least filter by a ...
Add delete option for directories on the web interface
When editing datasets using the web interface, it would be more convienent to allow users to directly delete a certain directory instead of clicking the delete button ...
Link to previous screen from the file-viewer
When viewing a file in a dataset, there's no easy way to go back to the previous view, with the file list expanded to the same place. (Or if there is, what to click ...
Under consideration
Collect user likes/stars in "Liked datasets" page
I would like to be able to quickly access the datasets I've liked in a "Liked datasets" page that I could access through my profile.
Under consideration
Automated extraction of parcellation time series
Following preprocessing of functional scans (eg rest, task, movie), data could be extracted from a set of user-defined parcels (eg by calculating the mean value ...
Under consideration
sorting by neuroimaging methodology and task
Include an additional field to sort by neuroimaging methodologies (e.g. fMRI, EEG, MEG, sMRI, DTI, fNIRS, TMS etc). Include another field to allow sorting by task. ...